Projects & Bids

If the estimated total cost of a public improvement project exceeds the competitive bid threshold of one hundred thousand dollars the City of Hiawatha shall advertise for sealed bids for the proposed public improvement by publishing a notice to bidders. The notice to bidders shall be published newspaper having general circulation in the geographic area served by the governmental entity according to state code. The notice will also be posted on this website and or a statewide association that represents governmental agencies.

Project Bidding and Results
Hiawatha! <sub>TM</sub>


To ALL AUTOPAY Customers:
To keep on top of security matters, the payment method attached to your Hiawatha Water Account needs to be confirmed in our payment software. This confirmation of payment needs to be done to verify your account information with our newly updated GWorks Software. The updating process is simple, just contact our office at 319-393-5556 prior to October 1, 2024 to have this updated before the next auto payment occurs.
Any account which is not updated prior to 10/14/2024, will have their next ACH payment returned. A returned ACH payment could lead to an extra charge and/or a disruption in water service.
***Note*** Some of our customers have already completed this update. If that is you, we appreciate you taking the time to have completed this update!

Thank You!
Hiawatha Water Department